
The College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office - Student Affairs strives to provide all Arts and Sciences undergraduate and graduate students with accurate information regarding academic matters in a friendly and timely manner. Academic advisers in the College of Arts and Sciences are here to assist you with developing and implementing academic planning to support you in attaining your educational and professional goals.

Communicate with an adviser in the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office – Student Affairs when:

  • You have forms requiring the Dean’s approval,
  • Need academic probation advising,
  • Have been academically dismissed;
  • Need to request an Arts and Science Academic Progress Check Online.

Contact an Arts and Sciences adviser by email at, or call (850) 644-1081.

Communicate with a departmental adviser when:

  • You need academic advising and course planning,
  • To resolve a map hold,
  • To initiate a major change,
  • To complete a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Appeal memo,
  • For proof of degree applicability for Financial Aid,
  • To add a course, and
  • For course credit evaluation.

Review the master list of departmental advisers to find your contact:

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