
Florida State University utilizes a centralized scholarship management system. The system, called FS4U, offers many useful online features and benefits for students as well as faculty and staff who are involved in awarding scholarships. Students can view available scholarships for which they are eligible, apply for scholarships, and view and accept scholarship offers. The following scholarships are administered through the Dean’s Office and applications are available through FS4U at Contact Melissa Ray at (850) 644-4949 or email with questions.

Study Abroad Scholarship

The $4,000 Study Abroad Scholarship is available to students in the College of Arts and Sciences who are participating in a FSU Study Abroad Program offered through the International Programs Office. Apply online through FS4U and search for "College of Arts and Sciences Study Abroad Awards" from the home page.


  • Applicants must have completed at least 52 credit hours at the time of travel, including at least 15 credit hours at Florida State University.
  • Applicants must be officially listed as an undergraduate major in a degree program offered through the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Applicants must have been accepted to the FSU study abroad program offered through the International Programs Office. Note- If the applicant is on a location waitlist or is waiting on admission notification from International Programs, a scholarship application can still be submitted. Final awards will only be processed for applicants that participate in the study abroad program. 
  • A letter of recommendation and a short essay are required with the application.
  • TIP - Plan Ahead! Contact your faculty adviser about the letter of recommendation ahead of time. Advance notice will help reduce delays.

Application deadlines 

  • Fall 2025 Travel — applications accepted in the FS4U system from January 31 through April 18, 2025
  • Spring 2026 Travel — applications accepted in the FS4U system from May 2 through June 27, 2025
  • Summer 2026 Travel — applications accepted in the FS4U system from November 1 through December 11, 2025

Douglas Peterson Vietnamese Scholarship

The Douglas Peterson Vietnamese Scholarship in Arts and Sciences is intended to provide financial assistance to Vietnamese, Laotian or Cambodian graduate students who are either entering into or continuing with any graduate program within the College of Arts and Sciences. At least one scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student each year. Apply online though FS4U and search for "Douglas Peterson Vietnamese Scholarship in Arts and Sciences" from the home page.

  • Applicants must be Vietnamese, Laotian or Cambodian graduate students in good standing in a graduate program in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Recipients must be registered graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, or prospective graduate students who have been admitted to Florida State University and a College of Arts and Sciences department or program.

Application deadline

  • Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

Granville L. Larimore Excellence Awards

The Granville L. Larimore Excellence Awards in Arts and Sciences is intended to support academic excellence within the History and Mathematics departments. Awards will focus on support for specific projects or activities and may be awarded for a wide range of activities including academic enhancement opportunities and specialized training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. Apply online though FS4U and search for "Granville L. Larimore Endowment for Excellence " from the home page.

  • Applicants must be current undergraduate or graduate students in good standing.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in a major within the History or Mathematics departments.
  • Applicants will need to provide a brief description of the project/activity and explain how the activity will contribute to your program of study and enhance your academic experience.

Application deadline

  • Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

Travel Awards

Ermine M. Owenby, Jr., Fund to Promote Excellence – Travel Awards

Following receipt of a generous gift, the College of Arts and Sciences created the Ermine M. Owenby Jr. Fund to Promote Excellence. This fund provides support for women enrolled in any of the graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to present posters or papers at professional meetings or conferences. Virtual conferences are also eligible for funding.

  • Applicants must be a female student enrolled and in good standing in any graduate program in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • It is anticipated that 10 awards of $500 each will be provided to worthy students during each application cycle.

Nancy Isidoro Sharkus Memorial Endowment – Travel Awards

In memory of Nancy Isidoro Sharkus, the endowment serves a  lasting tribute to the vision and commitment of Don and Nancy Sharkus and their philanthropic passion for women in the sciences.
This fund provides support for women enrolled in any of the science area graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to present posters or papers at professional meetings or conferences. Virtual conferences are also eligible for funding.

  • Applicants must be a female student enrolled and in good standing in any science area graduate program in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • It is anticipated that at least 2 awards of $500 each will be provided to worthy students during each application cycle.

Additional Requirements for Both Travel Awards

  • A letter of recommendation from your faculty adviser must be included with the application. The letter should endorse the application and comment on the importance of the conference to your research and professional plans.
    • TIP - Plan Ahead!
      Contact your faculty adviser about the letter of recommendation ahead of time. Advance notice will help reduce delays
  • A posters or paper must have been officially accepted for presentation at the conference for which funding is requested. Presentations during a virtual conference are allowable.
    • Note - If you have not received notification of acceptance of your posters or paper, provide proof of submission. Funding will not be granted until proof of acceptance has been provided.
  • If awarded funding from Ermine M. Owenby Jr. Fund to Promote Excellence or the Nancy Isidoro Sharkus Memorial Endowment previously, applicants may apply again after two application cycles. Example, if awarded funding in Spring 2022, the next application opportunity is Fall 2023.

How to Apply?

One application form is used to select recipients for both the Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. Travel Award and the Nancy Isidoro Sharkus Travel Award. Applicants will be considered for the eligible opportunities based on their major. It is not anticipated that an applicant will be given both awards during the same application cycle. Contact Melissa Ray at (850) 644-4949 or email with questions.

  • Apply HERE through Docusign.
    • TIP - Completing the Application
      Docusign may time out after 20 minutes of no activity. Prepare the documentation showing acceptance of your paper or proof of submission prior to starting the application process. This will allow the document(s) to be added as the Docusign application form is completed.
  • Once submitted, the application will automatically route to the faculty advisor identified in your application, who will provide a letter of recommendation and then to the department’s chairperson for endorsement. Finally, the application will automatically route for final submission.

Application Deadlines

  • March 21, 2025 for Spring Travel (Jan. 1 - August 31, 2025)

All application materials are due by the deadline. Do not submit the application form at the last minute. It may take several days for the application to route for the letter of recommendation and the chairperson’s approval.


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