College of Arts and Sciences to celebrate doctoral students ahead of Summer 2022 commencement

The Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences is set to honor its Spring and Summer 2022 doctoral students with a graduate recognition ceremony Thursday, July 28, at 3 p.m., in the Ruby Diamond Concert Hall in Tallahassee.
Dean Sam Huckaba will preside over the hooding of doctoral students from the college’s 15 doctorate-granting departments during the celebration. The ceremony takes place one day prior to the university’s Summer 2022 commencement exercises.
“The accomplishment of earning a doctoral degree is traditionally marked by a hooding ceremony, where the dissertation director hoods the newly minted Ph.D. candidate,” said Aline Kalbian, an associate dean in the college. “Because this tradition is not currently part of the university’s main commencement exercises, the College of Arts and Sciences — which produces FSU’s largest number of Ph.D.s, about 180 per year — felt it was important to offer an opportunity to recognize this momentous occasion.”
Doctoral students are encouraged to invite their families and friends to join the celebration, and leaders and major professors from across the college will be in attendance. Professional photography will be provided during the ceremony, with photos available for later purchase from Grad Images. A post-ceremony reception will follow, where attendees may enjoy light bites and refreshments and snap informal photos.
Doctoral students eligible to participate in the celebration will receive an official invitation via their FSU email accounts and must RSVP using the included link by Friday, June 24.
General Parking
Event parking for families and friends is available in the St. Augustine Garage located on the corner of Pensacola and Copeland Streets or in the Diffenbaugh Lot on W. Jefferson Street, just west of the W. Jefferson/Copeland Street intersection. Faculty members and students may park in any convenient faculty or student lot.
Accessible Parking
Guests with accessibility needs and/or limited mobility may also be dropped off at Ruby Diamond’s Accessible Entrance, which is located at the north entrance of the concert hall. The drop-off roundabout may be accessed via Convocation Way. This is for drop off only, parking is not permitted.
Elevators are available to take patrons to the appropriate floor.